
Homesick, homesick, homesick..

i’m missing my home..

missing my mom, papa, bro n sis..

missing d moments we went to vacation..

Oh please God, take this homesick from me…

i can’t study if it like this…

but how can i get rid of this habit..

it happen to me every time when i am going back from holiday…

missing my family a lots….

mama, papa…really fell want to huge you..

the only thing that i can do is make  a phone call to both of u…


How can i throw this habit? homesick, please get away from me…………..


~Things need to be done during holiday~

Today, was the 2nd day of my holidays..

There are many things that i have to do..

Below are the list things in my planning progress..hhehheheheh

Already Done:

1. Making of Kek Lapis (Sisik Ikan).

"Kek Lapis Sisik Ikan"


2. change my ID card….for the first time..hahahhahhaha

~have to wait for another one month, to receive the new ID card…

~Its a long time to wait for the new ID…HUHUHUHUHUHU

Things that still in planning…

1. Going to Miri, visiting my grandpa grave..

May your soul rest in peace..


2. Hanging out with my friends….

~Still under planning , waiting for my friends coming back from semenanjung then we will going out together..


3. finish my novel

~ need to finish my novel 🙂

~which i bought at boulevard…

hrmmm.. That only the lists for now..

Will updating it later, if there is any things that i alreaady done and still in progress…


Lastly, Happy Holidays to all…..

~13 Rahsia Solat~


1. Niat Sembahyang Sebenarnya memeliharakan taubat kita dari dunia dan akhirat.

2. Berdiri Betul Fadilatnya, ketika mati dapat meluaskan tempat kita di dalam kubur.

3. Takbir-ratul Ihram Fadilatnya, sebagai pelita yang menerangi kita di dalam kubur.

4. Fatihah Sebagai pakaian yang indah-indah di dalam kubur.

5. Ruqu’ Sebagai tikar kita di dalam kubur.

6. I’tidal Akan memberi minuman air dari telaga al-kautsar ketika di dalam kubur.

7. Sujud Memagar kita ketika menyeberangi titian SIRATUL-MUSTAQIM.

8. Duduk antara 2 Sujud Akan menaung panji-panji nabi kita di dalam kubur.

9. Duduk antara 2 Sujud (akhir) Menjadi kenderaan ketika kita di padang Mahsyar.

10.Tahhiyat Akhir Sebagai penjawab bagi soalan yang dikemukakan oleh Munkar & Nankir di dalam kubur.

11.Selawat Nabi Sebagai pendinding api neraka di dalam kubur.

12.Salam Memelihara kita di dalam kubur.

13.Tertib Akan pertemuan kita dengan Allah S.W.T.


~Today Was A Fairy Tale~

I must say that, today was a fairytale to me,

Even with the last minute works, preparation until all my energy goes down, feel so sleepy

stress when think of the assignments for the presentation. Still our presentation catches the assessor eyes…

I must say thank to all of the assessors, love u all.

Flow of case study making which is last minute works..

3.30pm until 7.00pm, location: faculty

When, I can’t understand  whats the concept of the theory i really want o give up but

the voice inside my soul whispered to me..”Heiza you can do it, just be patience for a minute”

Then, I started to focus on discussion of the theory, ten minute later I can understand what th concept of theory want.

I started to tell my group members (sab) that I already understand and try to extract out what the important facts in our case study. Thank to Allah, who give me the strength so that i can continue my works.

At 7.45pm, location (faculty lib)

We gathered for the last to finish up our case study. Make a touch up on our presentation slide.

Revise for the last before printing it out then send to lecturer room at level 9.

At 8.00pm, location (faculty)

Exactly at 8pm, we printed the presentation slide.

Then, all of us going to level 9 sent our presentation slide.

Alhamdullilah, the office still open..Then, we rushed to the lecturer room and just sent the slide.

Presentation Day. 8.30pm-12.30am, location: faculty

me as the time keepers for the presentation besides as the first presenter for my group.

Then, our group has presented our case study very well. Thank u to all members for ur all cooperation

The sequence of presenter:

me: 1st presenter

lyon: 2nd presenter

bibi: 3rd presenter

kak farisha: 4th presenter

kak wong: 5th presenter

sab: 6th presenter

Love u all….

I admit that, i was not that nervous when standing in front presenting our slide for today compare with yesterday.

After 20 minutes, the presentation was finished..i like one of the assessor comments

“good slide and presentation for the theory” but still need to improve more…

Then, after heard all the comments from the floor i was very happy

All the hard works, the sacrifice that we all made it gave us the word “good”…for the presentation

Today was a really fairytale……………

love the way the presentation…Hard works, teamworks, all is important in order to make a good performance.

After so many presentation that i already done, i admit that i love presentation..

i love standing in front and becoming the presenter

l must say that i am confidence enough to present in front…..

Heiza might be “future lecturer”???? Am I ready to be the future lecture….??????

At this moment the answer for d question still not clear..hehehhehehhehhe

Hopefully in the future i can present some kind of interesting presentation…

Presentation u made me becoming more confidence to speak in front and brave to voice out my opinion…,,..

~Antara Safa dan Marwah~

Baru habis baca “‘Antara syafa dan marwah” karangan Ismad Astar.

Cerita yg menarik dan saya tertarik dengan cara pengolahan cerita yg byk

melibatkan ayat2x Al-Quran danterjemahannya sekali.

Malah, penulis menyelitkan hadis serta terjemahnnya untuk meyakinkan pembaca

SubhanaAllah, karangan yg indah.

Novel yg boleh memberi inspirasi kepada pembaca.

Ayat yg amat meninggalkan kesan kepada saya lepas membacanya:


” Betapa kaya pun seseorang itu semasa di dunia dia kembali hanya dengan sehelai kain kapan. Bagaimana gagah sekalipun seseorang itu semasa hidupnya, dia akan kembali menghadap Ilahi sebagai jasad yang kaku”

Ayat ini memberi kesan kepada saya selepas membacanya. saya cadangkan kepada org luar jgn lupa membaca nya..

5 STAR….

~Big D2B Rest in peace~

I was very shocked, when I red comment on the youtube said that R.I.P  P,big…

And I just knew it today…So sad…..

Big already died due to bacterial infection after he had an accident on 2003

He was coma for about 4 years and confirm died on December 2007

Really miss his acting on Freshie’s High School, which was one of my favourite Thailand Drama

during my secondary school.

There is no more P,Big..he just in memories..

May his soul rest in peace…

~Taubat seorang hamba~

Hati hiba mengenangkan dosa2 yg ku lakukan,
Oh Tuhan Maha Kuasa,
Terima taubat hamba berdosa…

Ku akui kelemahan diri,
Ku insafi kekurangan ini,
Ku kesali kejahilan ini,
Terimalah 3x…..
Taubatku ini…..

Telah aku merasakan derita jiwa dan perasaan,
Kerana hilang dari jalan menuju redhaMu ya Tuhan.

Ku akui kelemahan ini,
Ku insafi kekurangan ini,
Ku kesali kejahilan ini,
Terimalah 3x…
Taubatku ini…

Di hamparan ini ku meminta moga taubatku dite

Ku akui kelemahan ini,
Ku insafi kekurangan ini,
Ku kesali kejahilan ini,
Terimalah 3x….
Taubatku ini…

Ku akui kelemahan ini,
Ku insafi kekurangan ini,
Ku kesali kejahilan ini,
Terimalah 3x..
Taubatku ini…

by Irsyadee & Hafiz Hamidun

Bertaubatlah bagi owg yg berdosa

Ya Allah, hamba mu ini seorang yang alpha

sentiasa berbuat kesilapan walaupun

Allah sentiasa memberi peluang kepada hamba ini….

Ya Allah berkatilah setiap perbuatan yg aku lakukan

Ampunkan lah dosa dosa hamba MU ini Ya Allah…

Dari Anas bin Malik r.a. berkata: Rasulullah saw bersabda,

“Sesungguhnya Allah lebih suka menerima taubat seorang hamba-Nya

melebihi kesenangan seorang yang menemukan kembali tiba-tiba untanya

yang telah hilang daripadanya di tengah hutan.”
(Bukhari – Muslim)

Kembalilah ke jalan Allah

Insafilah setiap perbuatan dan tingkah laku yg kita lakukan

Semoga Allah memberi keampunan dan memberkati

kehidupan kita……

~Goodbye Gerald, Siew Pei & Shirley~


was the sad and hard moment for me…

I loss my three coursemates..whom I really close to…….

From left Chai Siew Pei ( pei pei ), center Gerald Sim (Ah Meng) and on the right side Shirley (Amoi)..

Will miss u all in our class

even though we are not in the same course n class

do not forget us…..and the memory with all of you will

remain in all our heart……

Even there are gaps between our courses

do keep in touch with all of our friends

Thank you for being our coursemate for one year….

Last but not least Goodluck in your dream

May God Bless you all……

Thank you for the moments that you all have share with all of us…………..



already 2 weeks i have been a senior for my junior….

they all looks like us when we were in d first year..

welcome my junior….

aza-aza fighting…

It is very sad to hear a friend of my course mate were in OT

she was admitted because of renal problem n now d hospital is searching for blood donor

The blood group that she required was A+..

If I can donate my blood to her, it will be a precious moment for me..

let take a look for tomorrow if i can donate the blood…

hope she still strong …..

I pray to God, so that she still have a chance to live in this world….

Serian…..NCP@Nursing Care Plan


Tomorrow going back to Serian..will missing lot 77……

prepare for upcoming exam ncp….

hrmmmm will missing my friends at Bau so much,,,….

wishing all d best for my friends….

let get the ball rolling for everyone…

n not to forget in few weeks time it a holiday for us

happy holidays to everyone…

last but not least welcome to 2nd year ……

(behind the scenes of Go Go Ranchan…ha..ha)

so scare next week gonna be the big exam day for me…

nursing care plan..need to interview patient and carry out  nursing interventions for patients..

May Allah bless me during the exam…

then presentation for the ncp in front of our lecturers..

so scary,,,

but hopefully i have the strength to do better in my exam..

don’t be nervous..get enough info as much as you can..

then plan for the ncp and confident in ur viva presentation

Heiza i knou u can do it..

just believe in yourself and have confidence in urself…

Allah always there by ur side…..